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== For Jo, this change is MAJOR ==
Ham hock turkey chuck hamburger venison corned beef pastrami meatloaf shank tenderloin turducken.Sounds gorgeous.

Revision as of 10:39, 29 July 2020

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I've added this to test a minor edit for Josh....

I've now added this to test a MAJOR edit for Josh...

Bacon ipsum dolor amet venison pork belly ribeye ham hock cow, picanha pig landjaeger tri-tip strip steak turkey ground round. Turkey frankfurter alcatra chislic cow fatback drumstick shankle venison leberkas. Short loin hamburger venison pork loin. T-bone cow short ribs, ball tip porchetta landjaeger doner short loin tail chuck shoulder. Cow chuck spare ribs tri-tip. T-bone boudin jerky shank, pastrami landjaeger cupim ham.

Frankfurter bacon ground round brisket leberkas. Capicola pig buffalo, hamburger bacon pancetta frankfurter bresaola. Jowl ribeye beef ribs capicola flank strip steak kevin. Doner burgdoggen pancetta, tongue shankle porchetta biltong salami beef andouille. Strip steak venison short ribs biltong corned beef beef ribs porchetta bacon. Tenderloin cupim tri-tip short ribs bacon fatback pork chicken biltong doner pork loin andouille pork chop short loin corned beef.

Chuck ball tip ground round, sausage hamburger tail biltong salami corned beef flank ham hock spare ribs strip steak cow. Cow ribeye flank buffalo shoulder. Pork belly chislic boudin ball tip, tongue doner andouille swine venison kielbasa corned beef pork chop sirloin turducken. Jowl ham hock venison buffalo, prosciutto sausage landjaeger.

Chuck kevin short loin, picanha cupim jowl rump biltong ribeye. Biltong ham venison strip steak kevin chuck. Turducken ball tip jowl bacon, biltong kevin pork loin frankfurter pig turkey tongue shankle pork chop. Jowl tenderloin filet mignon turkey short ribs ham hock, meatball pork doner tongue chuck. Chicken ham hock pork loin buffalo t-bone sirloin tail porchetta venison brisket. Pig tri-tip biltong, jerky boudin sirloin salami. Drumstick buffalo bacon, shank filet mignon cow doner fatback pork belly landjaeger pancetta chuck.

Jerky tail shankle swine shoulder pork loin meatloaf andouille pork belly cupim, t-bone chuck pastrami drumstick. Shank tri-tip shankle, sirloin cow strip steak bacon rump kielbasa beef pancetta. Meatball cupim kevin beef shoulder spare ribs beef ribs pork tri-tip. Prosciutto pork belly beef cupim bresaola, tri-tip salami chuck shankle alcatra cow. Ham hock turkey chuck hamburger venison corned beef pastrami meatloaf shank tenderloin turducken.

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For Jo, this change is MAJOR

Ham hock turkey chuck hamburger venison corned beef pastrami meatloaf shank tenderloin turducken.Sounds gorgeous.