Mental Health FHIR Store Mappings

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The Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS) brings together information captured on clinical systems as part of patient care. It covers not only services provided in hospitals but also outpatient clinics and in the community, where the majority of people in contact with these services are treated.

Master Patient Index

Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
LOCAL PATIENT IDENTIFIER (EXTENDED) This is a number used to identify a PATIENT uniquely within a Health Care Provider. It may be different from the PATIENT's casenote number and may be assigned automatically by the computer system. LOCAL PATIENT IDENTIFIER (EXTENDED) is used where IT systems have a LOCAL PATIENT IDENTIFIER which is longer than 10 characters and LOCAL PATIENT IDENTIFIER cannot be used for data submission. M Patient.Identifier
ORGANISATION IDENTIFIER (LOCAL PATIENT IDENTIFIER) The ORGANISATION IDENTIFIER of the organisation that assigned the local patient identifier. M Patient.Organization.identifier
NHS NUMBER A number used to identify a PATIENT uniquely within the NHS in England and Wales R Patient.identifier(nhsnumber)
01- Number present and verified

02- Number present but not traced

03- Trace required

04- Trace attempted - No match or multiple match found

05- Trace needs to be resolved - (NHS Number or patient detail conflict)

06- Trace in progress

07- Number not present and trace not required

PERSON BIRTH DATE The date on which a PERSON was born or is officially deemed to have been born R Patient.birthDate
POSTCODE OF USUAL ADDRESS The POSTCODE of the ADDRESS nominated by the PATIENT with ADDRESS ASSOCIATION TYPE 'Main Permanent Residence' or 'Other Permanent Residence' R Patient.address.postalCode
GENDER IDENTITY CODE The gender identity of a PERSON as stated by the PERSON R Patient.gender.code 1- Male (including trans man)

2- Female (including trans woman)

3- Non-binary

4- Other (not listed)

X- Not Known (not recorded)

Z- Not Stated (person asked but declined to provide a response)

GENDER IDENTITY SAME AT BIRTH INDICATOR An indication of whether the patient's gender identity is the same as their gender assigned at birth. R Patient.gender.extension(suggestion of an extension for GENDER IDENTITY SAME AT BIRTH INDICATOR) Y- Yes - the person's gender identity is the same as their gender assigned at birth

N- No - the person's gender identity is not the same as their gender assigned at birth

X- Not Known (not asked)

Z- Not Stated (person asked but declined to provide a response)

PERSON STATED GENDER CODE is self declared or inferred by observation for those unable to declare their PERSON STATED GENDER.
R Patient.gender.code 1- Male

2- Female

9- Indeterminate (unable to be classified as either male or female)

X- Not Known (PERSON STATED GENDER CODE not recorded)

PERSON MARITAL STATUS The legal marital status of a PERSON. R Patient.maritalStatus S- Single

M- Married/Civil Partner

D- Divorced/Person whose Civil Partnership has been dissolved

W- Widowed/Surviving Civil Partner

P- Separated

N- Not disclosed

8- Not applicable

9- Not known

ETHNIC CATEGORY The ethnicity of a PERSON, as specified by the PERSON. R Patient.extension(ethnicCategory) A- White - British

B- White - Irish

C- White - Any other White background

D- Mixed - White and Black Caribbean

E- Mixed - White and Black African

F- Mixed - White and Asian

G- Mixed - Any other mixed background

H- Asian or Asian British - Indian

J- Asian or Asian British - Pakistani

K- Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi

L- Asian or Asian British - Any other Asian background

M- Black or Black British - Caribbean

N- Black or Black British - African

P- Black or Black British - Any other Black background

R- Other Ethnic Groups - Chinese

S- Other Ethnic Groups - Any other ethnic group

Z- Not stated

99- Not known

ETHNIC CATEGORY 2021 Placeholder data item to accommodate the 2021 census when it goes live P Patient.extension(suggestion of an extension for ETHNIC CATEGORY 2021)
LANGUAGE CODE (PREFERRED) LANGUAGE CODE (PREFERRED) is the language the PATIENT prefers to use for communication with a Health Care Provider. LANGUAGE CODE is based on the ISO 639-1 two character language codes, see the ISO 639.2 Registration Authority website, plus five communication method extensions. R Patient.communication.language All Spoken Languages

ISO 639-1 codes at


q1- Braille (for people who are unable to see)

q2- American Sign Language

q3- Australian Sign Language

q4- British Sign Language

q5- Makaton (devised for children and adults with a variety of communication and Learning Disabilities)

PERSON DEATH DATE The date on which a person died or is officially deemed to have died, as recorded on the death certificate. R Patient.deceased[x].deceasedDateTime

GP Practice Registration

Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
GENERAL MEDICAL PRACTICE CODE (PATIENT REGISTRATION) The ORGANISATION CODE of the GP Practice that the PATIENT is registered with. M Patient.generalPractitioner
START DATE (GMP PATIENT REGISTRATION) Start Date on which the PERSON registered with a General Medical Practitioner Practice. R Patient.generalPractitioner.extension(suggestion of an extension for START DATE (GMP PATIENT REGISTRATION))
END DATE (GMP PATIENT REGISTRATION) The DATE on which the PERSON ceased to be registered with a General Medical Practitioner Practice. R Patient.generalPractitioner.extension(suggestion of an extension for END DATE (GMP PATIENT REGISTRATION))

Accommodation Status

Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
ACCOMMODATION TYPE An indication of the type of accommodation that a PATIENT currently has. This should be based on the PATIENT's main or permanent residence. M Patient.address.extension(suggestion of an extension for Accommodation Type) 01- Owner occupier

02- Tenant - Local Authority/Arms Length Management Organisation/registered social housing provider

03- Tenant - private landlord

04- Living with family

05- Living with friends

06- University or College accommodation

07- Accommodation tied to job (including Armed Forces)

08- Mobile accommodation

09- Care home without nursing

10- Care home with nursing

11- Specialist Housing (with suitable adaptations to meet impairment needs and support to live independently)

12- Rough sleeper

13- Squatting

14- Sofa surfing (sleeps on different friends floor each night)

15- Staying with friends/family as a short term guest

16- Bed and breakfast accommodation to prevent or relieve homelessness

17- Sleeping in a night shelter

18- Hostel to prevent or relieve homelessness

19- Temporary housing to prevent or relieve homelessness

20- Admitted patient settings

21- Criminal justice settings

98- Other (not listed)

SETTLED ACCOMMODATION INDICATOR An indication of whether the main/permanent residence of the patient is settled accommodation. R Patient.address.extension(suggestion of an extension for Settled Accommodation Indicator) Y- Yes - Settled Accommodation

N- No - Non-settled Accommodation

Z- Not Stated (PATIENT asked but declined to provide a response)

9- Not known (Not Recorded)

SECURE CHILDRENS HOME PLACEMENT TYPE The type of placement for a child or young person accommodated in a Secure Children's Home. R Patient.address.extension(SECURE CHILDRENS HOME PLACEMENT TYPE) 1- Secure welfare placement

2- Youth justice placement

ACCOMMODATION TYPE START DATE The date that the patient's accommodation type started. R Patient.address.extension(suggestion of an extension for ACCOMMODATION TYPE START DATE)
ACCOMMODATION TYPE END DATE The date that the patient's accommodation type ended. R Patient.address.extension(suggestion of an extension for ACCOMMODATION TYPE START END)

Employment Status

Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
EMPLOYMENT STATUS The current PRIMARY EMPLOYMENT status of a PERSON. M Patient.extension(suggestion of an extension for EMPLOYMENT STATUS) 01- Employed

02- Unemployed and actively seeking work

03- Undertaking full (at least 16 hours per week) or part-time (less than 16 hours per week) education or training as a student and not working or actively seeking work

04- Long-term sick or disabled, those receiving government sickness and disability benefits

05- Looking after the family or home as a homemaker and not working or actively seeking work

06- Not receiving government sickness and disability benefits and not working or actively seeking work

07- Unpaid voluntary work and not working or actively seeking work

08- Retired

ZZ- Not Stated (PERSON asked but declined to provide a response)

EMPLOYMENT STATUS START DATE The date that the patient's employment status started. R Patient.extension(suggestion of an extension for EMPLOYMENT STATUS START DATE)
EMPLOYMENT STATUS END DATE The date that the patient's employment status ended. R Patient.extension(suggestion of an extension for EMPLOYMENT STATUS END DATE)
EMPLOYMENT STATUS RECORDED DATE The date that the patient's employment status details were recorded by the healthcare professional. R Patient.extension(suggestion of an extension for EMPLOYMENT STATUS RECORD DATE)
WEEKLY HOURS WORKED The number of hours worked in a typical week. R Patient.extension(suggestion of an extension for WEEKLY HOURS WORKED) 01- 30+ hours

02- 16-29 hours

03- 5-15 hours

04- 1-4 hours

97- Not Stated (PERSON asked but declined to provide a response)

98- Not applicable (PERSON not employed)

99- Number of hours worked not known

Patient Indicators

Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
CONSTANT SUPERVISION AND CARE REQUIRED DUE TO DISABILITY INDICATOR An indication of whether a disabled PATIENT needs constant (round the clock) care and/or supervision for maintenance of their safety and/or wellbeing. R Patient.extension(disability)
PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES INDICATOR An indication of whether a PATIENT has Parental Responsibilities for a child or young person, as stated by the PATIENT. R
YOUNG CARER INDICATOR An indication of whether a child or young person (PATIENT) has a caring role for an ill or disabled Parent/Carer/Sibling. R Patient.extension(suggestion of an extension for YOUNG CARER INDICATOR)
LOOKED AFTER CHILD INDICATOR An indication of whether a PATIENT is a Looked After Child. R Patient.extension(suggestion of an extension for LOOKED AFTER CHILD INDICATOR)
LOOKED AFTER CHILD LEGAL STATUS The legal status of the Looked After Child. This refers to the Children's Act 1989: see details R Patient.extension(suggestion of an extension for LOOKED AFTER CHILD LEGAL STATUS)
CHILD PROTECTION PLAN INDICATION CODE An indication of whether the child or young person (PATIENT) is/has previously been subject to a child protection plan. R Patient.extension(suggestion of an extension for CHILD PROTECTION PLAN INDICATION CODE)
EX-BRITISH ARMED FORCES INDICATOR An indication of whether the PATIENT is an ex-member of the British Armed Forces, i.e. army, navy or air force, or is a dependant of a person who is an ex-services member. R Patient.extension(suggestion of an extension for EX-BRITISH ARMED FORCES INDICATOR)
OFFENCE HISTORY INDICATION CODE An indication of whether the PATIENT has a history of offences, including index offences (i.e. is recordable, committed in England and Wales, prosecuted by the police and is not a breach of the peace).

This is completed by CARE PROFESSIONALS based on the PATIENT history, informed by referral information.

R Patient.extension(suggestion of an extension for OFFENCE HISTORY INDICATION CODE)
PRODROME PSYCHOSIS DATE Date at which first noticeable change in behaviour or mental state occurred prior to emergence of full-blown psychosis for the patient. There should be a clear deterioration in functioning from previous levels.

Examples include poor attendance/worsening performance at school/work, trouble sleeping, withdrawing from/fighting with friends/family, attenuated psychotic symptoms (increased suspiciousness,/jealously, occasionally hearing name being called when no' ones around, whisperings, slight confusion in thinking etc.).


Condition.onset[x].onsetDateTime(PRODROME PSYCHOSIS DATE)

EMERGENT PSYCHOSIS DATE Date at which there was first clear evidence of a positive psychotic symptom for the patient (i.e. delusion, hallucination, or thought disorder), regardless of its duration.

Such a symptom would be scored 4 or more on the PANSS.


Condition.onset[x].onsetDateTime(EMERGENT PSYCHOSIS DATE)

MANIFEST PSYCHOSIS DATE Date at which a positive psychotic symptom has lasted for a week for the patient. This is usually just 7 days after the date of the first psychotic symptom. R

Condition.onset[x].onsetDateTime(MANIFEST PSYCHOSIS DATE)

FIRST PRESCRIPTION DATE (ANTI-PSYCHOTIC MEDICATION) Date the patient was first prescribed anti-psychotic medication following referral into an Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) Service. R MedicationRequest.authoredOn

PSYCHOSIS FIRST TREATMENT START DATE Date the patient first commenced prescribed (not PRN) anti-psychotic medication, following referral into an Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) Service, and thereafter was compliant for at least 75% of the time during the subsequent month (using clinical judgement).

Note: For the majority of people this will be the same date as the date of prescription.

R MedicationRequest.authoredOn

REASONABLE ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED INDICATOR An indicator to alert the clinician that this patient may need a reasonable adjustment made R Patient.extension(proposition of an extension for REASONABLE ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED INDICATOR)

Mental Health Care Coordinator

Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
START DATE (MENTAL HEALTH CARE COORDINATOR ASSIGNMENT PERIOD) The start date of a Mental Health Care Coordinator Assignment Period for a patient. M CareTeam.period.start
CARE PROFESSIONAL LOCAL IDENTIFIER A unique local CARE PROFESSIONAL IDENTIFIER within a Health Care Provider which may be assigned automatically by the computer system.

R CareTeam.participant.member
END DATE (MENTAL HEALTH CARE COORDINATOR ASSIGNMENT PERIOD) The end date of a Mental Health Care Coordinator Assignment Period for a patient. R CareTeam.period.end
CARE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE OR TEAM TYPE ASSOCIATION (MENTAL HEALTH) The type of service or team the Care Professional is associated with. R CareTeam.participant.role


Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set

This could be where:

the PERSON has been diagnosed as disabled or

the PERSON considers themself to be disabled.

M Condition.code
DISABILITY IMPACT PERCEPTION The patient's perception of whether their day-to-day activities are limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months. R Condition.extension(suggestion of an extension for DISABILITY IMPACT PERCEPTION)

Care Plan Type

Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
CARE PLAN IDENTIFIER A unique identifierfor Care Plan. M CarePlan.identifier
CARE PLAN TYPE (MENTAL HEALTH) The type of Care Plan for the patient, recorded by the service. M CarePlan.category
CARE PLAN CREATION DATE The date that a Care Plan was created for a patient. M CarePlan.extension(suggestion of an extension for CARE PLAN CREATION DATE)
CARE PLAN CREATION TIME The time that a Care Plan was created for a patient. R CarePlan.extension(suggestion of an extension for CARE PLAN CREATION TIME)
CARE PLAN LAST UPDATED DATE The date that the Care Plan was last updated for a patient.

Where the Care Plan has not otherwise been updated this will be the same as the Care Plan Creation Date.

R CarePlan.extension(suggestion of an extension for CARE PLAN LAST UPDATE DATE)
CARE PLAN LAST UPDATED TIME The time that the Care Plan was last updated for a patient.

Where the Care Plan has not otherwise been updated this will be the same as the Care Plan Creation Time.

R CarePlan.extension(suggestion of an extension for CARE PLAN LAST UPDATE TIME)
CARE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION DATE The date that the Care Plan was implemented for a patient. R

Care Plan Agreement

Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
FAMILY INVOLVED IN CARE PLAN INDICATOR An indication of whether a member of the patient's family is currently involved in the patient's care plan.

This only needs to be captured for inpatients that are in scope of Transforming Care.


FAMILY NOT INVOLVED IN CARE PLAN REASON The reason that the patient's family is not currently involved in the patient's care plan.

This only needs to be captured for inpatients that are in scope of Transforming Care.

CARE PLAN CONTENT AGREED BY The type of PERSON, SERVICE or ORGANISATION that agreed the content of the CARE PLAN for the PATIENT. M Consent.consentingParty
CARE PLAN CONTENT AGREED DATE The date on which the content of the CARE PLAN was agreed by a PATIENT or Patient Proxy. R Consent.dateTime
CARE PLAN CONTENT AGREED TIME The time on which the content of the CARE PLAN was agreed by a PATIENT or Patient Proxy R Consent.dateTime

Assistive Technology to Support Disability Type

Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY FINDING (SNOMED CT) The SNOMED CT concept ID which is used to identify the finding relating to the assistive technology that a PATIENT is dependent on. M Device.extension(suggestion of an extension for ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY FINDING (SNOMED CT))
PRESCRIPTION TIMESTAMP (ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY) The date, time and time zone for the prescription of Assistive Technology. R DeviceRequest.authoredOn


Device.extension(suggestion of an extension for PRESCRIPTION TIMESTAMP ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY)

Social and Personal Circumstances
Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
Overseas Visitor Charging Category
Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
Mental Health Currency Model
Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
Service or Team Referral
Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
Other Reason for Referral
Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
Service or Team Type Referred To
Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
Referral to Treatment (RTT)
Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
Onward Referral
Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
Discharge Plan Agreement
Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
Medication Prescription
Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
Care Contact
Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
Care Activity
Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
Other in Attendance
Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
Indirect Activity
Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
Group Session
Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
Mental Health Drop In Contact
Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
Mental Health Act Legal Status Classification Assignment Period
Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
Mental Health Responsible Clinician Assignment Period
Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
Conditional Discharge
Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
Community Treatment Order Recall
Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
Community Treatement Order Recall
Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
Hospital Provider Spell
Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set
Ward Stay
Property Description Conformance FHIR STU3 Mapping Value Set