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<title>Discovery Data Service Compass v1.2.1 Database Dump</title>
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<nowiki><h1 id="firstHeading" class="firstHeading" lang="en-GB">Remote Subscriber Database (RSD) Schema (Compass 2) Version: v1.2.1</h1></nowiki>
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<nowiki><div id="siteSub" class="noprint">From Discovery Data Service</div></nowiki>
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<nowiki><div id="mw-content-text" lang="en-GB" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"><div class="mw-parser-output"><div id="toc" class="toc"><input type="checkbox" role="button" id="toctogglecheckbox" class="toctogglecheckbox" style="display:none" /></nowiki><nowiki><div class="toctitle" lang="en-GB" dir="ltr"><h2>Contents</h2></nowiki><nowiki><span class="toctogglespan"><label class="toctogglelabel" for="toctogglecheckbox"></label></nowiki><nowiki></span></nowiki><nowiki></div></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-1"><a href="#Table:_allergy_intolerance"><span class="tocnumber">1</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: allergy_intolerance</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-2"><a href="#Table:_appointment"><span class="tocnumber">2</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: appointment</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-3"><a href="#Table:_concept"><span class="tocnumber">3</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: concept</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-4"><a href="#Table:_concept_map"><span class="tocnumber">4</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: concept_map</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-5"><a href="#Table:_diagnostic_order"><span class="tocnumber">5</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: diagnostic_order</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-6"><a href="#Table:_encounter"><span class="tocnumber">6</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: encounter</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-7"><a href="#Table:_encounter_additional"><span class="tocnumber">7</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: encounter_additional</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-8"><a href="#Table:_encounter_event"><span class="tocnumber">8</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: encounter_event</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-9"><a href="#Table:_episode_of_care"><span class="tocnumber">9</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: episode_of_care</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-10"><a href="#Table:_event_log"><span class="tocnumber">10</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table:&</nowiki>#160;event_log<nowiki></span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-11"><a href="#Table:_flag"><span class="tocnumber">11</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: flag</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-12"><a href="#Table:_location"><span class="tocnumber">12</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: location</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-13"><a href="#Table:_medication_order"><span class="tocnumber">13</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: medication_order</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-14"><a href="#Table:_medication_statement"><span class="tocnumber">14</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: medication_statement</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-15"><a href="#Table:_observation"><span class="tocnumber">15</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: observation</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-16"><a href="#Table:_observation_additional"><span class="tocnumber">16</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: observation_additional</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-17"><a href="#Table:_organization"><span class="tocnumber">17</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: organization</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-18"><a href="#Table:_organization_metadata"><span class="tocnumber">18</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: organization_metadata</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-19"><a href="#Table:_patient"><span class="tocnumber">19</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: patient</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-20"><a href="#Table:_patient_additional"><span class="tocnumber">20</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: patient_additional</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-21"><a href="#Table:_patient_address"><span class="tocnumber">21</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: patient_address</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-22"><a href="#Table:_patient_address_match"><span class="tocnumber">22</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: patient_address_match</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-23"><a href="#Table:_patient_address_ralf"><span class="tocnumber">23</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: patient_address_ralf</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-24"><a href="#Table:_patient_contact"><span class="tocnumber">24</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: patient_contact</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-25"><a href="#Table:_patient_pseudo_id"><span class="tocnumber">25</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: patient_pseudo_id</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-26"><a href="#Table:_patient_uprn"><span class="tocnumber">26</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: patient_uprn</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-27"><a href="#Table:_person"><span class="tocnumber">27</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: person</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-28"><a href="#Table:_practitioner"><span class="tocnumber">28</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: practitioner</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-29"><a href="#Table:_procedure_request"><span class="tocnumber">29</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: procedure_request</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-30"><a href="#Table:_pseudo_id"><span class="tocnumber">30</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: pseudo_id</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-31"><a href="#Table:_referral_request"><span class="tocnumber">31</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: referral_request</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-32"><a href="#Table:_registration_status_history"><span class="tocnumber">32</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: registration_status_history</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-33"><a href="#Table:_schedule"><span class="tocnumber">33</span></nowiki> <nowiki><span class="toctext">Table: schedule</span></nowiki><nowiki></a></nowiki><nowiki></li></nowiki>
<nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Allergy_intolerance</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the allergy',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the allergy',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the allergy',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  non_core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the allergy',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter this allergy was record in',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  encounter_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter this allergy was record in',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The age the patient was at the time of this event',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  age_at_event decimal(5,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The age the patient was at the time of this event',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  date_precision_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the allergy',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the allergy',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  practitioner_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date the allergy was recorded',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  date_recorded datetime NOT NULL COMMENT 'The date the allergy was recorded',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date the clinical code is recorded for',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  clinical_effective_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the clinical code is recorded for',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Is this instance of the code a review of a previous encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  is_review tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Is this instance of the code a review of a previous encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Appointment</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'How long the patient waited from being marked as arrived to being sent in',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  patient_wait int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'How long the patient waited from being marked as arrived to being sent in',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The schedule the patient was put on to book multiple appointments. ID unique to the applied schedule',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  schedule_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The schedule the patient was put on to book multiple appointments. ID unique to the applied schedule',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The status of the appointment e.g. arrived/sent in/left/DNA',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  appointment_status_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The status of the appointment e.g. arrived/sent in/left/DNA',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Date and time the patient was sent into the practitioner',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  date_time_sent_in datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Date and time the patient was sent into the practitioner',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  practitioner_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Date and time the patient left the practitioner',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  date_time_left datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Date and time the patient left the practitioner',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the appointment',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the appointment',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The start date of the appointment',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  start_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The start date of the appointment',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'How long the patient was delayed for',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  patient_delay int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'How long the patient was delayed for',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique reference to the source of the appointment',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  source_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Unique reference to the source of the appointment',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The time allocated for the appointment, not necessarily the actual duration always in minutes',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  planned_duration int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The time allocated for the appointment, not necessarily the actual duration always in minutes',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Time between sent in and left always in minutes',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  actual_duration int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Time between sent in and left always in minutes',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date the appointment was cancelled',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  cancelled_date datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the appointment was cancelled',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Appointment_additional</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'same as the id column on the patient table ',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'same as the id column on the patient table ',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id, just raw JSON',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  json_value json DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id, just raw JSON',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id or raw JSON, just a basic text value (i.e. GP Practitioner number)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  text_value varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id or raw JSON, just a basic text value (i.e. GP Practitioner number)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'IM reference (e.g. appointment type)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  property_id int NOT NULL COMMENT 'IM reference (e.g. appointment type)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'IM reference (e.g. Appointment Type)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  value_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'IM reference (e.g. Appointment Type)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Concept</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Short name',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  Name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Short name',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The timestamp of the last update to the concept',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  updated datetime NOT NULL COMMENT 'The timestamp of the last update to the concept',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Whether its draft/autocreated or confirmed as a "proper" concept',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  Draft tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether its draft/autocreated or confirmed as a "proper" concept',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Full name (or term for ontological concepts)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  Description varchar(400) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Full name (or term for ontological concepts)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the concept',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  dbid int NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the concept',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Concept grouping construct, deprecated',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  Document int NOT NULL COMMENT 'Concept grouping construct, deprecated',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique concept identifier',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  Id varchar(150) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique concept identifier',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The coding scheme for the code (Read, CTV3, SNOMED etc)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  Scheme bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The coding scheme for the code (Read, CTV3, SNOMED etc)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The code (non-unique unless coupled with a scheme)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  Code varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The code (non-unique unless coupled with a scheme)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Concept_map</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Timestamp the map was last updated/added',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  updated datetime NOT NULL COMMENT 'Timestamp the map was last updated/added',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'the core (snomed, discovery) concept that the legacy concept maps to',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  core int NOT NULL COMMENT 'the core (snomed, discovery) concept that the legacy concept maps to',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'the legacy (read 2, ctv3, icd10, opcs4, emis local, etc) concept',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  legacy int NOT NULL COMMENT 'the legacy (read 2, ctv3, icd10, opcs4, emis local, etc) concept',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Diagnostic_order</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Whether the observation is marked as a problem',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  is_problem tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the observation is marked as a problem',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the result',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  result_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the result',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The end date of the problem',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  problem_end_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The end date of the problem',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  date_precision_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  practitioner_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the episodicity of the problem eg First, review, flare',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  episodicity_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the episodicity of the problem eg First, review, flare',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date of the result',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  result_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date of the result',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the observation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  non_core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the observation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The units of the result of the observation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  result_value_units varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The units of the result of the observation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Whether the diagnostic order is a primary order',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  is_primary tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the diagnostic order is a primary order',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date the diagnostic order was identified by a clinician',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  clinical_effective_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the diagnostic order was identified by a clinician',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Whether the observation is a review of an existing problem',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  is_review tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the observation is a review of an existing problem',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter the observation was recorded at',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  encounter_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter the observation was recorded at',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The value of the result of the observation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  result_value double DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The value of the result of the observation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the parent observation in a complex observation eg systolic and diastolic blood pressures will have a parent observation of Blood pressure',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  parent_observation_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the parent observation in a complex observation eg systolic and diastolic blood pressures will have a parent observation of Blood pressure',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the diagnostic order',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the diagnostic order',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the observation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the observation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The age of the patient at the time of the observation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  age_at_event decimal(5,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The age of the patient at the time of the observation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Encounter</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The end date of the encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  end_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The end date of the encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the type of encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the type of encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the appointment this encounter took part on',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  appointment_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the appointment this encounter took part on',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The age the patient was when this encounter took place',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  age_at_event decimal(5,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The age the patient was when this encounter took place',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date the encounter was recorded',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  date_recorded datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the encounter was recorded',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The admission method of the encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  admission_method varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The admission method of the encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  practitioner_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the service provider organisation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  service_provider_organization_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the service provider organisation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the type of encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  non_core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the type of encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date the clinical code is recorded for',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  clinical_effective_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the clinical code is recorded for',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the precision of the date of the encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  date_precision_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the precision of the date of the encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Is this instance of the code a review of a previous encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  episode_of_care_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Is this instance of the code a review of a previous encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Encounter_additional</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'IM concept id reference (i.e. Emergency admission)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  value_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'IM concept id reference (i.e. Emergency admission)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id, just raw JSON (i.e. birth delivery details)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  json_value json DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id, just raw JSON (i.e. birth delivery details)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'IM concept id reference (i.e. Admission method)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  property_id int NOT NULL COMMENT 'IM concept id reference (i.e. Admission method)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id, or raw JSON, just a basic text value (i.e. FIN number)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  text_value varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id, or raw JSON, just a basic text value (i.e. FIN number)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'same as the id column on the encounter table',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'same as the id column on the encounter table',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Encounter_event</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The end date of the encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  end_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The end date of the encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The age of the patient at the time of the encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  age_at_event decimal(5,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The age of the patient at the time of the encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the parent encounter record',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  encounter_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the parent encounter record',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the type of encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the type of encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date the encounter took place',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  clinical_effective_date datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the encounter took place',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the appointment this encounter took part on',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  appointment_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the appointment this encounter took part on',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The person this event belongs to',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The person this event belongs to',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date the encounter was recorded',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  date_recorded datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the encounter was recorded',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The admission method of the encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  admission_method varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The admission method of the encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  practitioner_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the service provider organisation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  service_provider_organization_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the service provider organisation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Whether the encounter is finished',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  finished tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the encounter is finished',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the encounter event',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the encounter event',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the type of encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  non_core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the type of encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the institution the encounter took place at',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  institution_location_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the institution the encounter took place at',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The patient this event belongs to',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The patient this event belongs to',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the episode of care this encounter belongs to',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  episode_of_care_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the episode of care this encounter belongs to',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the precision of the date of the encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  date_precision_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the precision of the date of the encounter',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Episode_of_care</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the episode of care',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the episode of care',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the registration status of the patient',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  registration_status_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the registration status of the patient',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date the registration was started  for this episode of care',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  date_registered date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the registration was started  for this episode of care',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the usual GP for this episode of care',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  usual_gp_practitioner_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the usual GP for this episode of care',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date the registration was ended  for this episode of care',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  date_registered_end date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the registration was ended  for this episode of care',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the registration type of the patient',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  registration_type_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the registration type of the patient',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Event_log</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'date time the change was made to this DB',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  dt_change datetime(3) NOT NULL COMMENT 'date time the change was made to this DB',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'type of transaction 0=insert, 1=update, 2=delete',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  change_type tinyint NOT NULL COMMENT 'type of transaction 0=insert, 1=update, 2=delete',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'identifier of the table changed',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  table_id tinyint NOT NULL COMMENT 'identifier of the table changed',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'id of the record changed'<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  record_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'id of the record changed'<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Flag</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date the flag was entered onto the patients record',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  effective_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the flag was entered onto the patients record',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  date_precision_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Whether the flag is active or not',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  is_active tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the flag is active or not',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the flag',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the flag',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Location</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the location',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the location',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The type of location',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  type_code varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The type of location',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The name of a location set by the publisher. E.g. ward, clinic, domiciliary',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The name of a location set by the publisher. E.g. ward, clinic, domiciliary',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Textual description of the type of location eg GP Practice',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  type_desc varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Textual description of the type of location eg GP Practice',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The postcode of the location',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  postcode varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The postcode of the location',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the managing organisation of the location',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  managing_organization_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the managing organisation of the location',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Medication_order</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the medication statement.  A medication statement can have many medication orders',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  medication_statement_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the medication statement.  A medication statement can have many medication orders',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the medication',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  non_core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the medication',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The unit of the medication that was prescribed eg tablets',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  quantity_unit varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The unit of the medication that was prescribed eg tablets',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'How many days the medication is prescribed for',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  duration_days int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'How many days the medication is prescribed for',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The age the patient was at the time of this event',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  age_at_event decimal(5,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The age the patient was at the time of this event',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter the medication order was issued in',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  encounter_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter the medication order was issued in',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  date_precision_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The value of the medication that was prescribed eg 50',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  quantity_value double DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The value of the medication that was prescribed eg 50',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The estimated cost of the medication',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  estimated_cost double DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The estimated cost of the medication',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date the medication order was issued',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  clinical_effective_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the medication order was issued',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  practitioner_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Textual description of the dose',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  dose varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Textual description of the dose',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the medication order',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the medication order',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the medication',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the medication',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'A reference to the drug in the BNF dictionary',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  bnf_reference varchar(6) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'A reference to the drug in the BNF dictionary',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Medication_statement</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date the medication was cancelled',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  cancellation_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the medication was cancelled',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the medication',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  non_core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the medication',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The unit of the medication that was prescribed eg tablets',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  quantity_unit varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The unit of the medication that was prescribed eg tablets',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The age the patient was at the time of this event',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  age_at_event decimal(5,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The age the patient was at the time of this event',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  date_precision_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter this medication was recorded in',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  encounter_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter this medication was recorded in',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The value of the medication that was prescribed eg 50',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  quantity_value double DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The value of the medication that was prescribed eg 50',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the medication',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the medication',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  practitioner_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date the medication was clinical relevant',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  clinical_effective_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the medication was clinical relevant',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Texual description of the dose of the medication',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  dose varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Texual description of the dose of the medication',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the medication',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the medication',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the authorisation type',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  authorisation_type_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the authorisation type',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Whether the medication is active or not',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  is_active tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the medication is active or not',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'A reference to the drug in the BNF dictionary',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  bnf_reference varchar(6) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'A reference to the drug in the BNF dictionary',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Observation</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date the observation was identified by a clinician',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  clinical_effective_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the observation was identified by a clinician',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Whether the observation is marked as a problem',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  is_problem tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the observation is marked as a problem',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the result',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  result_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the result',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The end date of the problem',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  problem_end_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The end date of the problem',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  date_precision_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the observation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the observation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  practitioner_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the episodicity of the problem eg First, review, flare',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  episodicity_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the episodicity of the problem eg First, review, flare',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Whether the observation is a primary observation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  is_primary tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the observation is a primary observation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date the observation was recorded in the system',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  date_recorded datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the observation was recorded in the system',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date of the result',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  result_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date of the result',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the observation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  non_core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the observation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The units of the result of the observation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  result_value_units varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The units of the result of the observation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Whether the observation is a review of an existing problem',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  is_review tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the observation is a review of an existing problem',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter the observation was recorded at',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  encounter_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter the observation was recorded at',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The value of the result of the observation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  result_value double DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The value of the result of the observation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the parent observation in a complex observation eg systolic and diastolic blood pressures will have a parent observation of Blood pressure',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  parent_observation_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the parent observation in a complex observation eg systolic and diastolic blood pressures will have a parent observation of Blood pressure',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the observation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the observation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The age of the patient at the time of the observation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  age_at_event decimal(5,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The age of the patient at the time of the observation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Observation_additional</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'IM reference (i.e. minor, significant)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  value_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'IM reference (i.e. minor, significant)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'the JSON data itself ',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  json_value json DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'the JSON data itself ',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'same as the id column on the observation table',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'same as the id column on the observation table',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'IM reference (i.e. significance)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  property_id int NOT NULL COMMENT 'IM reference (i.e. significance)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id or raw JSON, just a basic text value',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  text_value varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id or raw JSON, just a basic text value',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Organization</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Textual description of the type of organisation eg GP Practice',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  type_desc varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Textual description of the type of organisation eg GP Practice',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The postcode of the organisation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  Postcode varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The postcode of the organisation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'ODS Code of the organisation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  ods_code varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ODS Code of the organisation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The type of organisation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  type_code varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The type of organisation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the organisation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the organisation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The id of the parent organisation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  parent_organization_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The id of the parent organisation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Name of the organisation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  Name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Name of the organisation',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Organization_metadata</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'software name of publishing system, i.e. SystmOne',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  publishing_software varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT 'software name of publishing system, i.e. SystmOne',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'date time data was last sent to DDS',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  last_data_to_dds datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'date time data was last sent to DDS',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'cutoff date time of the last extract from the publishing system',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  last_data_cutoff datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'cutoff date time of the last extract from the publishing system',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'organisation ID, corresponds to same ID in the organizaton table',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'organisation ID, corresponds to same ID in the organizaton table',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Patient</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date of birth of the patient',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  date_of_birth date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date of birth of the patient',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The NHS number of the patient',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  nhs_number varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The NHS number of the patient',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the ethnicity of the patient',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  ethnic_code_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the ethnicity of the patient',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the gender of the patient',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  gender_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the gender of the patient',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the current address of the patient',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  current_address_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the current address of the patient',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The first names of the patient',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  first_names varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The first names of the patient',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date of death of the patient',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  date_of_death date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date of death of the patient',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the organisation the patient is registered at',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  registered_practice_organization_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the organisation the patient is registered at',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The title of the patient',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  title varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The title of the patient',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the patient',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the patient',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The last name of the patient',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  last_name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The last name of the patient',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Patient_additional</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'same as the id column on the patient table ',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'same as the id column on the patient table ',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id, just raw JSON',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  json_value json DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id, just raw JSON',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id or raw JSON, just a basic text value (i.e. GP Practitioner number)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  text_value varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id or raw JSON, just a basic text value (i.e. GP Practitioner number)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'IM reference (e.g. COVID)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  value_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'IM reference (e.g. COVID)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'IM reference (e.g. Cause of death)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  property_id int NOT NULL COMMENT 'IM reference (e.g. Cause of death)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Patient_address</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The third line of the address',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  address_line_3 varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The third line of the address',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'A reference to the LSOA_2011 code',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  lsoa_2011_code varchar(9) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'A reference to the LSOA_2011 code',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The postcode',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  postcode varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The postcode',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'use of address (e.g. home, temporary)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  use_concept_id int NOT NULL COMMENT 'use of address (e.g. home, temporary)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'A reference to the MSOA_2001 code',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  msoa_2001_code varchar(9) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'A reference to the MSOA_2001 code',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The fourth line of the address',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  address_line_4 varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The fourth line of the address',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The start date of this address being relevant',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  start_date date NOT NULL COMMENT 'The start date of this address being relevant',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'A reference to the LSOA_2001 code',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  lsoa_2001_code varchar(9) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'A reference to the LSOA_2001 code',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The first line of the address',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  address_line_1 varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The first line of the address',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the address',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  Id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the address',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The city',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  city varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The city',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The end date of this address being relevant',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  end_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The end date of this address being relevant',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The ward the address belongs to',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  ward_code varchar(9) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The ward the address belongs to',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The local authority the address belongs to',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  local_authority_code varchar(9) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The local authority the address belongs to',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The second line of the address',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  address_line_2 varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The second line of the address',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'A reference to the MSOA_2011 code',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  msoa_2011_code varchar(9) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'A reference to the MSOA_2011 code',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Patient_address_match</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Patient_address_ralf</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Patient_contact</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the patient contact',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the patient contact',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The end date of the contact being valid',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  end_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The end date of the contact being valid',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'use of contact (e.g. mobile, home,work',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  use_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'use of contact (e.g. mobile, home,work',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The start date of the contact being valid',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  start_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The start date of the contact being valid',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The value of the contact information eg phone number, email address',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  value varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The value of the contact information eg phone number, email address',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'type of contact (e.g. phone, email)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  type_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'type of contact (e.g. phone, email)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Patient_pseudo_id</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the patient pseudo id',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the patient pseudo id',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Whether the nhs number is valid',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  is_nhs_number_valid tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the nhs number is valid',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the patient this registration status history belongs to',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the patient this registration status history belongs to',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Whether the nhs number has been verified by the publisher',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  is_nhs_number_verified_by_publisher tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the nhs number has been verified by the publisher',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the person this registration status history belongs to',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the person this registration status history belongs to',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT '"Secure Key IDentifier" - the pseudonymised ID generated for this patient using the salt specified in the salt_name column. Typically generated from patient NHS number, but is configurable on a case by case basis (e.g. may include date of birth)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  Skid varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '"Secure Key IDentifier" - the pseudonymised ID generated for this patient using the salt specified in the salt_name column. Typically generated from patient NHS number, but is configurable on a case by case basis (e.g. may include date of birth)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The name of the salt used to create the pseudo id',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  salt_name varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The name of the salt used to create the pseudo id',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Patient_uprn</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Person</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the current address of the person',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  current_address_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the current address of the person',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The first names of the person',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  first_names varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The first names of the person',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the gender of the person',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  gender_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the gender of the person',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The NHS number of the person',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  nhs_number varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The NHS number of the person',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the ethnicity of the person',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  ethnic_code_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the ethnicity of the person',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the organisation the person is registered at',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  registered_practice_organization_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the organisation the person is registered at',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The title of the person',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  title varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The title of the person',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date of death of the person',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  date_of_death date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date of death of the person',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date of birth of the person',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  date_of_birth date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date of birth of the person',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The last name of the person',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  last_name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The last name of the person',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the person',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the person',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Practitioner</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Name of the practitioner',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  name varchar(1024) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Name of the practitioner',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the practitioner',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the practitioner',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The code representing the role of the practitioner',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  role_code varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The code representing the role of the practitioner',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The GMC code of the practitioner',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  gmc_code varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The GMC code of the practitioner',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Textual description of the role of the practitioner eg General Medical Practitioner',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  role_desc varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Textual description of the role of the practitioner eg General Medical Practitioner',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Procedure_request</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the procedure',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the procedure',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter the procedure was administered at',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  encounter_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter the procedure was administered at',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The age of the patient at the time of the procedure',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  age_at_event decimal(5,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The age of the patient at the time of the procedure',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the procedure',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the procedure',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  date_precision_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  practitioner_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date the procedure was administered by a clinician',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  clinical_effective_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the procedure was administered by a clinician',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date the procedure was recorded in the source system',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  date_recorded datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the procedure was recorded in the source system',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the status of the procedure',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  status_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the status of the procedure',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the procedure',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  non_core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the procedure',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Referral_request</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the referral',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the referral',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the referral',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  non_core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the referral',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the organisation that made the refereral request',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  requester_organization_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the organisation that made the refereral request',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter the referral was made in',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  encounter_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter the referral was made in',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the type of referral request',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  referral_request_type_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the type of referral request',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Whether this is an outgoing referral',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  outgoing_referral tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Whether this is an outgoing referral',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the referral',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the referral',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the priority of the referral',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  referral_request_priority_concept_id smallint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the priority of the referral',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Whether this referral is a review',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  is_review tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Whether this referral is a review',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The mode of the referral',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  Mode varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The mode of the referral',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The age of the patient at the time of the referral',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  age_at_event decimal(5,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The age of the patient at the time of the referral',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  practitioner_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date the referral request was added to the source system',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  date_recorded datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the referral request was added to the source system',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  date_precision_concept_id smallint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The date the referral was made',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  clinical_effective_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the referral was made',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the organization receiving the referral',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  recipient_organization_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the organization receiving the referral',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Registration_status_history</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the registration status history',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the registration status history',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The end date for the period this registration status history was valid',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  end_date datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The end date for the period this registration status history was valid',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the patient this registration status history belongs to',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the patient this registration status history belongs to',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the person this registration status history belongs to',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the person this registration status history belongs to',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The start date for the period this registration status history was valid',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  start_date datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The start date for the period this registration status history was valid',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the episode of care this status history belongs to',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  episode_of_care_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the episode of care this status history belongs to',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the registration status',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  registration_status_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the registration status',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki></tbody></nowiki><nowiki></table></nowiki><nowiki><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Schedule</span></nowiki><nowiki></h2></nowiki>
<nowiki><table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The start date of the schedule',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  start_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The start date of the schedule',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The name of the schedule',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  name varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The name of the schedule',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'The type of schedule eg Timed Appointments',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  type varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The type of schedule eg Timed Appointments',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Textual description of the location the schedule was held at',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  location varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Textual description of the location the schedule was held at',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>DEFAULT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Reference to the practitioner who owns the schedule',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  practitioner_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the practitioner who owns the schedule',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>NOT NULL<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the schedule',<nowiki></td></nowiki>
<nowiki><td></nowiki>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the schedule',<nowiki></td></nowiki>

Revision as of 13:21, 22 November 2022

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<h1 id="firstHeading" class="firstHeading" lang="en-GB">Remote Subscriber Database (RSD) Schema (Compass 2) Version: v1.2.1</h1>

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<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-1"><a href="#Table:_allergy_intolerance"><span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">Table: allergy_intolerance</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-2"><a href="#Table:_appointment"><span class="tocnumber">2</span> <span class="toctext">Table: appointment</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-3"><a href="#Table:_concept"><span class="tocnumber">3</span> <span class="toctext">Table: concept</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-4"><a href="#Table:_concept_map"><span class="tocnumber">4</span> <span class="toctext">Table: concept_map</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-5"><a href="#Table:_diagnostic_order"><span class="tocnumber">5</span> <span class="toctext">Table: diagnostic_order</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-6"><a href="#Table:_encounter"><span class="tocnumber">6</span> <span class="toctext">Table: encounter</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-7"><a href="#Table:_encounter_additional"><span class="tocnumber">7</span> <span class="toctext">Table: encounter_additional</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-8"><a href="#Table:_encounter_event"><span class="tocnumber">8</span> <span class="toctext">Table: encounter_event</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-9"><a href="#Table:_episode_of_care"><span class="tocnumber">9</span> <span class="toctext">Table: episode_of_care</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-10"><a href="#Table:_event_log"><span class="tocnumber">10</span> <span class="toctext">Table: event_log</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-11"><a href="#Table:_flag"><span class="tocnumber">11</span> <span class="toctext">Table: flag</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-12"><a href="#Table:_location"><span class="tocnumber">12</span> <span class="toctext">Table: location</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-13"><a href="#Table:_medication_order"><span class="tocnumber">13</span> <span class="toctext">Table: medication_order</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-14"><a href="#Table:_medication_statement"><span class="tocnumber">14</span> <span class="toctext">Table: medication_statement</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-15"><a href="#Table:_observation"><span class="tocnumber">15</span> <span class="toctext">Table: observation</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-16"><a href="#Table:_observation_additional"><span class="tocnumber">16</span> <span class="toctext">Table: observation_additional</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-17"><a href="#Table:_organization"><span class="tocnumber">17</span> <span class="toctext">Table: organization</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-18"><a href="#Table:_organization_metadata"><span class="tocnumber">18</span> <span class="toctext">Table: organization_metadata</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-19"><a href="#Table:_patient"><span class="tocnumber">19</span> <span class="toctext">Table: patient</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-20"><a href="#Table:_patient_additional"><span class="tocnumber">20</span> <span class="toctext">Table: patient_additional</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-21"><a href="#Table:_patient_address"><span class="tocnumber">21</span> <span class="toctext">Table: patient_address</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-22"><a href="#Table:_patient_address_match"><span class="tocnumber">22</span> <span class="toctext">Table: patient_address_match</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-23"><a href="#Table:_patient_address_ralf"><span class="tocnumber">23</span> <span class="toctext">Table: patient_address_ralf</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-24"><a href="#Table:_patient_contact"><span class="tocnumber">24</span> <span class="toctext">Table: patient_contact</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-25"><a href="#Table:_patient_pseudo_id"><span class="tocnumber">25</span> <span class="toctext">Table: patient_pseudo_id</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-26"><a href="#Table:_patient_uprn"><span class="tocnumber">26</span> <span class="toctext">Table: patient_uprn</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-27"><a href="#Table:_person"><span class="tocnumber">27</span> <span class="toctext">Table: person</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-28"><a href="#Table:_practitioner"><span class="tocnumber">28</span> <span class="toctext">Table: practitioner</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-29"><a href="#Table:_procedure_request"><span class="tocnumber">29</span> <span class="toctext">Table: procedure_request</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-30"><a href="#Table:_pseudo_id"><span class="tocnumber">30</span> <span class="toctext">Table: pseudo_id</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-31"><a href="#Table:_referral_request"><span class="tocnumber">31</span> <span class="toctext">Table: referral_request</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-32"><a href="#Table:_registration_status_history"><span class="tocnumber">32</span> <span class="toctext">Table: registration_status_history</span></a></li>

<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-33"><a href="#Table:_schedule"><span class="tocnumber">33</span> <span class="toctext">Table: schedule</span></a></li>



<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Allergy_intolerance</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>






<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the allergy',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the allergy',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the allergy',</td>

<td>  non_core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the allergy',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter this allergy was record in',</td>

<td>  encounter_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter this allergy was record in',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The age the patient was at the time of this event',</td>

<td>  age_at_event decimal(5,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The age the patient was at the time of this event',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',</td>

<td>  date_precision_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the allergy',</td>

<td>  core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the allergy',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',</td>

<td>  practitioner_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'The date the allergy was recorded',</td>

<td>  date_recorded datetime NOT NULL COMMENT 'The date the allergy was recorded',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>

<td>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>

<td>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>

<td>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The date the clinical code is recorded for',</td>

<td>  clinical_effective_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the clinical code is recorded for',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Is this instance of the code a review of a previous encounter',</td>

<td>  is_review tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Is this instance of the code a review of a previous encounter',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Appointment</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>







<td> COMMENT 'How long the patient waited from being marked as arrived to being sent in',</td>

<td>  patient_wait int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'How long the patient waited from being marked as arrived to being sent in',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The schedule the patient was put on to book multiple appointments. ID unique to the applied schedule',</td>

<td>  schedule_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The schedule the patient was put on to book multiple appointments. ID unique to the applied schedule',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The status of the appointment e.g. arrived/sent in/left/DNA',</td>

<td>  appointment_status_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The status of the appointment e.g. arrived/sent in/left/DNA',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Date and time the patient was sent into the practitioner',</td>

<td>  date_time_sent_in datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Date and time the patient was sent into the practitioner',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',</td>

<td>  practitioner_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Date and time the patient left the practitioner',</td>

<td>  date_time_left datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Date and time the patient left the practitioner',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>

<td>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>

<td>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the appointment',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the appointment',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The start date of the appointment',</td>

<td>  start_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The start date of the appointment',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'How long the patient was delayed for',</td>

<td>  patient_delay int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'How long the patient was delayed for',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>

<td>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Unique reference to the source of the appointment',</td>

<td>  source_id varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Unique reference to the source of the appointment',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The time allocated for the appointment, not necessarily the actual duration always in minutes',</td>

<td>  planned_duration int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The time allocated for the appointment, not necessarily the actual duration always in minutes',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Time between sent in and left always in minutes',</td>

<td>  actual_duration int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Time between sent in and left always in minutes',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The date the appointment was cancelled',</td>

<td>  cancelled_date datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the appointment was cancelled',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Appointment_additional</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>






<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'same as the id column on the patient table ',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'same as the id column on the patient table ',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id, just raw JSON',</td>

<td>  json_value json DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id, just raw JSON',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id or raw JSON, just a basic text value (i.e. GP Practitioner number)',</td>

<td>  text_value varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id or raw JSON, just a basic text value (i.e. GP Practitioner number)',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'IM reference (e.g. appointment type)',</td>

<td>  property_id int NOT NULL COMMENT 'IM reference (e.g. appointment type)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'IM reference (e.g. Appointment Type)',</td>

<td>  value_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'IM reference (e.g. Appointment Type)',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Concept</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>







<td> COMMENT 'Short name',</td>

<td>  Name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Short name',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'The timestamp of the last update to the concept',</td>

<td>  updated datetime NOT NULL COMMENT 'The timestamp of the last update to the concept',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Whether its draft/autocreated or confirmed as a "proper" concept',</td>

<td>  Draft tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether its draft/autocreated or confirmed as a "proper" concept',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Full name (or term for ontological concepts)',</td>

<td>  Description varchar(400) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Full name (or term for ontological concepts)',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the concept',</td>

<td>  dbid int NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the concept',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Concept grouping construct, deprecated',</td>

<td>  Document int NOT NULL COMMENT 'Concept grouping construct, deprecated',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique concept identifier',</td>

<td>  Id varchar(150) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique concept identifier',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The coding scheme for the code (Read, CTV3, SNOMED etc)',</td>

<td>  Scheme bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The coding scheme for the code (Read, CTV3, SNOMED etc)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The code (non-unique unless coupled with a scheme)',</td>

<td>  Code varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The code (non-unique unless coupled with a scheme)',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Concept_map</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>






<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Timestamp the map was last updated/added',</td>

<td>  updated datetime NOT NULL COMMENT 'Timestamp the map was last updated/added',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'the core (snomed, discovery) concept that the legacy concept maps to',</td>

<td>  core int NOT NULL COMMENT 'the core (snomed, discovery) concept that the legacy concept maps to',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'the legacy (read 2, ctv3, icd10, opcs4, emis local, etc) concept',</td>

<td>  legacy int NOT NULL COMMENT 'the legacy (read 2, ctv3, icd10, opcs4, emis local, etc) concept',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Diagnostic_order</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>






<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Whether the observation is marked as a problem',</td>

<td>  is_problem tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the observation is marked as a problem',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the result',</td>

<td>  result_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the result',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The end date of the problem',</td>

<td>  problem_end_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The end date of the problem',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',</td>

<td>  date_precision_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',</td>

<td>  practitioner_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the episodicity of the problem eg First, review, flare',</td>

<td>  episodicity_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the episodicity of the problem eg First, review, flare',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The date of the result',</td>

<td>  result_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date of the result',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the observation',</td>

<td>  non_core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the observation',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>

<td>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The units of the result of the observation',</td>

<td>  result_value_units varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The units of the result of the observation',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Whether the diagnostic order is a primary order',</td>

<td>  is_primary tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the diagnostic order is a primary order',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>

<td>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The date the diagnostic order was identified by a clinician',</td>

<td>  clinical_effective_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the diagnostic order was identified by a clinician',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Whether the observation is a review of an existing problem',</td>

<td>  is_review tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the observation is a review of an existing problem',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>

<td>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter the observation was recorded at',</td>

<td>  encounter_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter the observation was recorded at',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The value of the result of the observation',</td>

<td>  result_value double DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The value of the result of the observation',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the parent observation in a complex observation eg systolic and diastolic blood pressures will have a parent observation of Blood pressure',</td>

<td>  parent_observation_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the parent observation in a complex observation eg systolic and diastolic blood pressures will have a parent observation of Blood pressure',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the diagnostic order',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the diagnostic order',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the observation',</td>

<td>  core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the observation',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The age of the patient at the time of the observation',</td>

<td>  age_at_event decimal(5,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The age of the patient at the time of the observation',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Encounter</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>







<td> COMMENT 'The end date of the encounter',</td>

<td>  end_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The end date of the encounter',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the type of encounter',</td>

<td>  core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the type of encounter',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the appointment this encounter took part on',</td>

<td>  appointment_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the appointment this encounter took part on',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The age the patient was when this encounter took place',</td>

<td>  age_at_event decimal(5,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The age the patient was when this encounter took place',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The date the encounter was recorded',</td>

<td>  date_recorded datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the encounter was recorded',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The admission method of the encounter',</td>

<td>  admission_method varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The admission method of the encounter',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the encounter',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the encounter',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',</td>

<td>  practitioner_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the service provider organisation',</td>

<td>  service_provider_organization_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the service provider organisation',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>

<td>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>

<td>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the type of encounter',</td>

<td>  non_core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the type of encounter',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>

<td>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The date the clinical code is recorded for',</td>

<td>  clinical_effective_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the clinical code is recorded for',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the precision of the date of the encounter',</td>

<td>  date_precision_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the precision of the date of the encounter',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Is this instance of the code a review of a previous encounter',</td>

<td>  episode_of_care_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Is this instance of the code a review of a previous encounter',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Encounter_additional</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>







<td> COMMENT 'IM concept id reference (i.e. Emergency admission)',</td>

<td>  value_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'IM concept id reference (i.e. Emergency admission)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id, just raw JSON (i.e. birth delivery details)',</td>

<td>  json_value json DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id, just raw JSON (i.e. birth delivery details)',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'IM concept id reference (i.e. Admission method)',</td>

<td>  property_id int NOT NULL COMMENT 'IM concept id reference (i.e. Admission method)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id, or raw JSON, just a basic text value (i.e. FIN number)',</td>

<td>  text_value varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id, or raw JSON, just a basic text value (i.e. FIN number)',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'same as the id column on the encounter table',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'same as the id column on the encounter table',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Encounter_event</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>







<td> COMMENT 'The end date of the encounter',</td>

<td>  end_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The end date of the encounter',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The age of the patient at the time of the encounter',</td>

<td>  age_at_event decimal(5,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The age of the patient at the time of the encounter',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the parent encounter record',</td>

<td>  encounter_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the parent encounter record',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the type of encounter',</td>

<td>  core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the type of encounter',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The date the encounter took place',</td>

<td>  clinical_effective_date datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the encounter took place',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the appointment this encounter took part on',</td>

<td>  appointment_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the appointment this encounter took part on',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'The person this event belongs to',</td>

<td>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The person this event belongs to',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The date the encounter was recorded',</td>

<td>  date_recorded datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the encounter was recorded',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The admission method of the encounter',</td>

<td>  admission_method varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The admission method of the encounter',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',</td>

<td>  practitioner_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the service provider organisation',</td>

<td>  service_provider_organization_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the service provider organisation',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Whether the encounter is finished',</td>

<td>  finished tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the encounter is finished',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the encounter event',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the encounter event',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>

<td>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the type of encounter',</td>

<td>  non_core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the type of encounter',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the institution the encounter took place at',</td>

<td>  institution_location_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the institution the encounter took place at',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'The patient this event belongs to',</td>

<td>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The patient this event belongs to',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the episode of care this encounter belongs to',</td>

<td>  episode_of_care_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the episode of care this encounter belongs to',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the precision of the date of the encounter',</td>

<td>  date_precision_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the precision of the date of the encounter',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Episode_of_care</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>






<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the episode of care',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the episode of care',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the registration status of the patient',</td>

<td>  registration_status_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the registration status of the patient',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The date the registration was started  for this episode of care',</td>

<td>  date_registered date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the registration was started  for this episode of care',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>

<td>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>

<td>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the usual GP for this episode of care',</td>

<td>  usual_gp_practitioner_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the usual GP for this episode of care',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The date the registration was ended  for this episode of care',</td>

<td>  date_registered_end date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the registration was ended  for this episode of care',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the registration type of the patient',</td>

<td>  registration_type_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the registration type of the patient',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>

<td>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Event_log</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>






<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'date time the change was made to this DB',</td>

<td>  dt_change datetime(3) NOT NULL COMMENT 'date time the change was made to this DB',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'type of transaction 0=insert, 1=update, 2=delete',</td>

<td>  change_type tinyint NOT NULL COMMENT 'type of transaction 0=insert, 1=update, 2=delete',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'identifier of the table changed',</td>

<td>  table_id tinyint NOT NULL COMMENT 'identifier of the table changed',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'id of the record changed'</td>

<td>  record_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'id of the record changed'</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Flag</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>







<td> COMMENT 'The date the flag was entered onto the patients record',</td>

<td>  effective_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the flag was entered onto the patients record',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>

<td>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>

<td>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',</td>

<td>  date_precision_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>

<td>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Whether the flag is active or not',</td>

<td>  is_active tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the flag is active or not',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the flag',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the flag',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Location</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>






<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the location',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the location',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The type of location',</td>

<td>  type_code varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The type of location',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The name of a location set by the publisher. E.g. ward, clinic, domiciliary',</td>

<td>  name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The name of a location set by the publisher. E.g. ward, clinic, domiciliary',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Textual description of the type of location eg GP Practice',</td>

<td>  type_desc varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Textual description of the type of location eg GP Practice',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The postcode of the location',</td>

<td>  postcode varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The postcode of the location',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the managing organisation of the location',</td>

<td>  managing_organization_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the managing organisation of the location',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Medication_order</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>







<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the medication statement.  A medication statement can have many medication orders',</td>

<td>  medication_statement_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the medication statement.  A medication statement can have many medication orders',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the medication',</td>

<td>  non_core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the medication',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The unit of the medication that was prescribed eg tablets',</td>

<td>  quantity_unit varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The unit of the medication that was prescribed eg tablets',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'How many days the medication is prescribed for',</td>

<td>  duration_days int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'How many days the medication is prescribed for',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The age the patient was at the time of this event',</td>

<td>  age_at_event decimal(5,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The age the patient was at the time of this event',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter the medication order was issued in',</td>

<td>  encounter_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter the medication order was issued in',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',</td>

<td>  date_precision_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The value of the medication that was prescribed eg 50',</td>

<td>  quantity_value double DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The value of the medication that was prescribed eg 50',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The estimated cost of the medication',</td>

<td>  estimated_cost double DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The estimated cost of the medication',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The date the medication order was issued',</td>

<td>  clinical_effective_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the medication order was issued',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',</td>

<td>  practitioner_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Textual description of the dose',</td>

<td>  dose varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Textual description of the dose',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>

<td>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the medication order',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the medication order',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>

<td>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the medication',</td>

<td>  core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the medication',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>

<td>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'A reference to the drug in the BNF dictionary',</td>

<td>  bnf_reference varchar(6) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'A reference to the drug in the BNF dictionary',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Medication_statement</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>







<td> COMMENT 'The date the medication was cancelled',</td>

<td>  cancellation_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the medication was cancelled',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the medication',</td>

<td>  non_core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the medication',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The unit of the medication that was prescribed eg tablets',</td>

<td>  quantity_unit varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The unit of the medication that was prescribed eg tablets',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The age the patient was at the time of this event',</td>

<td>  age_at_event decimal(5,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The age the patient was at the time of this event',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',</td>

<td>  date_precision_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter this medication was recorded in',</td>

<td>  encounter_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter this medication was recorded in',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The value of the medication that was prescribed eg 50',</td>

<td>  quantity_value double DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The value of the medication that was prescribed eg 50',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the medication',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the medication',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',</td>

<td>  practitioner_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The date the medication was clinical relevant',</td>

<td>  clinical_effective_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the medication was clinical relevant',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>

<td>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>

<td>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Texual description of the dose of the medication',</td>

<td>  dose varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Texual description of the dose of the medication',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the medication',</td>

<td>  core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the medication',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>

<td>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the authorisation type',</td>

<td>  authorisation_type_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the authorisation type',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Whether the medication is active or not',</td>

<td>  is_active tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the medication is active or not',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'A reference to the drug in the BNF dictionary',</td>

<td>  bnf_reference varchar(6) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'A reference to the drug in the BNF dictionary',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Observation</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>







<td> COMMENT 'The date the observation was identified by a clinician',</td>

<td>  clinical_effective_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the observation was identified by a clinician',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Whether the observation is marked as a problem',</td>

<td>  is_problem tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the observation is marked as a problem',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the result',</td>

<td>  result_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the result',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The end date of the problem',</td>

<td>  problem_end_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The end date of the problem',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',</td>

<td>  date_precision_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the observation',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the observation',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',</td>

<td>  practitioner_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the episodicity of the problem eg First, review, flare',</td>

<td>  episodicity_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the episodicity of the problem eg First, review, flare',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Whether the observation is a primary observation',</td>

<td>  is_primary tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the observation is a primary observation',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The date the observation was recorded in the system',</td>

<td>  date_recorded datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the observation was recorded in the system',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The date of the result',</td>

<td>  result_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date of the result',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the observation',</td>

<td>  non_core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the observation',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>

<td>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The units of the result of the observation',</td>

<td>  result_value_units varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The units of the result of the observation',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>

<td>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Whether the observation is a review of an existing problem',</td>

<td>  is_review tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the observation is a review of an existing problem',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>

<td>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter the observation was recorded at',</td>

<td>  encounter_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter the observation was recorded at',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The value of the result of the observation',</td>

<td>  result_value double DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The value of the result of the observation',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the parent observation in a complex observation eg systolic and diastolic blood pressures will have a parent observation of Blood pressure',</td>

<td>  parent_observation_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the parent observation in a complex observation eg systolic and diastolic blood pressures will have a parent observation of Blood pressure',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the observation',</td>

<td>  core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the observation',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The age of the patient at the time of the observation',</td>

<td>  age_at_event decimal(5,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The age of the patient at the time of the observation',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Observation_additional</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>







<td> COMMENT 'IM reference (i.e. minor, significant)',</td>

<td>  value_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'IM reference (i.e. minor, significant)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'the JSON data itself ',</td>

<td>  json_value json DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'the JSON data itself ',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'same as the id column on the observation table',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'same as the id column on the observation table',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'IM reference (i.e. significance)',</td>

<td>  property_id int NOT NULL COMMENT 'IM reference (i.e. significance)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id or raw JSON, just a basic text value',</td>

<td>  text_value varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id or raw JSON, just a basic text value',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Organization</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>







<td> COMMENT 'Textual description of the type of organisation eg GP Practice',</td>

<td>  type_desc varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Textual description of the type of organisation eg GP Practice',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The postcode of the organisation',</td>

<td>  Postcode varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The postcode of the organisation',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'ODS Code of the organisation',</td>

<td>  ods_code varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ODS Code of the organisation',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The type of organisation',</td>

<td>  type_code varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The type of organisation',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the organisation',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the organisation',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The id of the parent organisation',</td>

<td>  parent_organization_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The id of the parent organisation',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Name of the organisation',</td>

<td>  Name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Name of the organisation',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Organization_metadata</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>






<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'software name of publishing system, i.e. SystmOne',</td>

<td>  publishing_software varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT 'software name of publishing system, i.e. SystmOne',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'date time data was last sent to DDS',</td>

<td>  last_data_to_dds datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'date time data was last sent to DDS',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'cutoff date time of the last extract from the publishing system',</td>

<td>  last_data_cutoff datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'cutoff date time of the last extract from the publishing system',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'organisation ID, corresponds to same ID in the organizaton table',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'organisation ID, corresponds to same ID in the organizaton table',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Patient</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>







<td> COMMENT 'The date of birth of the patient',</td>

<td>  date_of_birth date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date of birth of the patient',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The NHS number of the patient',</td>

<td>  nhs_number varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The NHS number of the patient',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the ethnicity of the patient',</td>

<td>  ethnic_code_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the ethnicity of the patient',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the gender of the patient',</td>

<td>  gender_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the gender of the patient',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the current address of the patient',</td>

<td>  current_address_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the current address of the patient',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The first names of the patient',</td>

<td>  first_names varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The first names of the patient',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The date of death of the patient',</td>

<td>  date_of_death date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date of death of the patient',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the organisation the patient is registered at',</td>

<td>  registered_practice_organization_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the organisation the patient is registered at',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The title of the patient',</td>

<td>  title varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The title of the patient',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the patient',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the patient',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>

<td>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>

<td>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The last name of the patient',</td>

<td>  last_name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The last name of the patient',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Patient_additional</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>






<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'same as the id column on the patient table ',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'same as the id column on the patient table ',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id, just raw JSON',</td>

<td>  json_value json DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id, just raw JSON',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id or raw JSON, just a basic text value (i.e. GP Practitioner number)',</td>

<td>  text_value varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'where there is no mapped value_id or raw JSON, just a basic text value (i.e. GP Practitioner number)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'IM reference (e.g. COVID)',</td>

<td>  value_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'IM reference (e.g. COVID)',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'IM reference (e.g. Cause of death)',</td>

<td>  property_id int NOT NULL COMMENT 'IM reference (e.g. Cause of death)',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Patient_address</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>







<td> COMMENT 'The third line of the address',</td>

<td>  address_line_3 varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The third line of the address',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'A reference to the LSOA_2011 code',</td>

<td>  lsoa_2011_code varchar(9) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'A reference to the LSOA_2011 code',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The postcode',</td>

<td>  postcode varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The postcode',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'use of address (e.g. home, temporary)',</td>

<td>  use_concept_id int NOT NULL COMMENT 'use of address (e.g. home, temporary)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'A reference to the MSOA_2001 code',</td>

<td>  msoa_2001_code varchar(9) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'A reference to the MSOA_2001 code',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The fourth line of the address',</td>

<td>  address_line_4 varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The fourth line of the address',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'The start date of this address being relevant',</td>

<td>  start_date date NOT NULL COMMENT 'The start date of this address being relevant',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'A reference to the LSOA_2001 code',</td>

<td>  lsoa_2001_code varchar(9) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'A reference to the LSOA_2001 code',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The first line of the address',</td>

<td>  address_line_1 varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The first line of the address',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the address',</td>

<td>  Id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the address',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The city',</td>

<td>  city varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The city',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The end date of this address being relevant',</td>

<td>  end_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The end date of this address being relevant',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>

<td>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>

<td>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The ward the address belongs to',</td>

<td>  ward_code varchar(9) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The ward the address belongs to',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>

<td>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The local authority the address belongs to',</td>

<td>  local_authority_code varchar(9) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The local authority the address belongs to',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The second line of the address',</td>

<td>  address_line_2 varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The second line of the address',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'A reference to the MSOA_2011 code',</td>

<td>  msoa_2011_code varchar(9) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'A reference to the MSOA_2011 code',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Patient_address_match</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>



</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Patient_address_ralf</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>



</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Patient_contact</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>






<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the patient contact',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the patient contact',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>

<td>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>

<td>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The end date of the contact being valid',</td>

<td>  end_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The end date of the contact being valid',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>

<td>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'use of contact (e.g. mobile, home,work',</td>

<td>  use_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'use of contact (e.g. mobile, home,work',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The start date of the contact being valid',</td>

<td>  start_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The start date of the contact being valid',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The value of the contact information eg phone number, email address',</td>

<td>  value varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The value of the contact information eg phone number, email address',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'type of contact (e.g. phone, email)',</td>

<td>  type_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'type of contact (e.g. phone, email)',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Patient_pseudo_id</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>






<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the patient pseudo id',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the patient pseudo id',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Whether the nhs number is valid',</td>

<td>  is_nhs_number_valid tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the nhs number is valid',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>

<td>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the patient this registration status history belongs to',</td>

<td>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the patient this registration status history belongs to',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Whether the nhs number has been verified by the publisher',</td>

<td>  is_nhs_number_verified_by_publisher tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the nhs number has been verified by the publisher',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the person this registration status history belongs to',</td>

<td>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the person this registration status history belongs to',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT '"Secure Key IDentifier" - the pseudonymised ID generated for this patient using the salt specified in the salt_name column. Typically generated from patient NHS number, but is configurable on a case by case basis (e.g. may include date of birth)',</td>

<td>  Skid varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '"Secure Key IDentifier" - the pseudonymised ID generated for this patient using the salt specified in the salt_name column. Typically generated from patient NHS number, but is configurable on a case by case basis (e.g. may include date of birth)',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'The name of the salt used to create the pseudo id',</td>

<td>  salt_name varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The name of the salt used to create the pseudo id',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Patient_uprn</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>






<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>

<td>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>

<td>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>

<td>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Person</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>






<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the current address of the person',</td>

<td>  current_address_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the current address of the person',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The first names of the person',</td>

<td>  first_names varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The first names of the person',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the gender of the person',</td>

<td>  gender_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the gender of the person',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The NHS number of the person',</td>

<td>  nhs_number varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The NHS number of the person',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the ethnicity of the person',</td>

<td>  ethnic_code_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the ethnicity of the person',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the organisation the person is registered at',</td>

<td>  registered_practice_organization_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the organisation the person is registered at',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The title of the person',</td>

<td>  title varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The title of the person',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The date of death of the person',</td>

<td>  date_of_death date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date of death of the person',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>

<td>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The date of birth of the person',</td>

<td>  date_of_birth date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date of birth of the person',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The last name of the person',</td>

<td>  last_name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The last name of the person',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the person',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the person',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Practitioner</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>







<td> COMMENT 'Name of the practitioner',</td>

<td>  name varchar(1024) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Name of the practitioner',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the practitioner',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the practitioner',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>

<td>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The code representing the role of the practitioner',</td>

<td>  role_code varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The code representing the role of the practitioner',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The GMC code of the practitioner',</td>

<td>  gmc_code varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The GMC code of the practitioner',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Textual description of the role of the practitioner eg General Medical Practitioner',</td>

<td>  role_desc varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Textual description of the role of the practitioner eg General Medical Practitioner',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Procedure_request</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>






<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the procedure',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the procedure',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter the procedure was administered at',</td>

<td>  encounter_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter the procedure was administered at',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The age of the patient at the time of the procedure',</td>

<td>  age_at_event decimal(5,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The age of the patient at the time of the procedure',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the procedure',</td>

<td>  core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the procedure',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',</td>

<td>  date_precision_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',</td>

<td>  practitioner_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The date the procedure was administered by a clinician',</td>

<td>  clinical_effective_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the procedure was administered by a clinician',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>

<td>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>

<td>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The date the procedure was recorded in the source system',</td>

<td>  date_recorded datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the procedure was recorded in the source system',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>

<td>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the status of the procedure',</td>

<td>  status_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the status of the procedure',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the procedure',</td>

<td>  non_core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the procedure',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Referral_request</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>







<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the referral',</td>

<td>  core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the referral',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the referral',</td>

<td>  non_core_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the clinical coding of the referral',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the organisation that made the refereral request',</td>

<td>  requester_organization_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the organisation that made the refereral request',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter the referral was made in',</td>

<td>  encounter_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the encounter the referral was made in',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the type of referral request',</td>

<td>  referral_request_type_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the type of referral request',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Whether this is an outgoing referral',</td>

<td>  outgoing_referral tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Whether this is an outgoing referral',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the referral',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the referral',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the priority of the referral',</td>

<td>  referral_request_priority_concept_id smallint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the priority of the referral',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Whether this referral is a review',</td>

<td>  is_review tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Whether this referral is a review',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The mode of the referral',</td>

<td>  Mode varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The mode of the referral',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The age of the patient at the time of the referral',</td>

<td>  age_at_event decimal(5,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The age of the patient at the time of the referral',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',</td>

<td>  practitioner_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The clinician the activity is recorded against',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The date the referral request was added to the source system',</td>

<td>  date_recorded datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the referral request was added to the source system',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',</td>

<td>  date_precision_concept_id smallint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Identifies the precision of the clinical effectiveness date to either year (1) month (2) day (5) minute (12) second (13) millisecond (14)',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>

<td>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'The organisations record for this person’s registration. Patients may have multiple records across clinical systems and may have registered at an organisation multiple times',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The date the referral was made',</td>

<td>  clinical_effective_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The date the referral was made',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>

<td>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>

<td>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique individual across all organisations',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the organization receiving the referral',</td>

<td>  recipient_organization_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the organization receiving the referral',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Registration_status_history</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>






<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the registration status history',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the registration status history',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The end date for the period this registration status history was valid',</td>

<td>  end_date datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The end date for the period this registration status history was valid',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>

<td>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the patient this registration status history belongs to',</td>

<td>  patient_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the patient this registration status history belongs to',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the person this registration status history belongs to',</td>

<td>  person_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the person this registration status history belongs to',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The start date for the period this registration status history was valid',</td>

<td>  start_date datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The start date for the period this registration status history was valid',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the episode of care this status history belongs to',</td>

<td>  episode_of_care_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the episode of care this status history belongs to',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the registration status',</td>

<td>  registration_status_concept_id int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the registration status',</td>


</tbody></table><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Sortable_tables">Schedule</span></h2>

<table class="sortable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse">


<th scope="col" width="10%">Column Name</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Type</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Constraint</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Comment</th>

<th scope="col" width="10%">Sql</th>







<td> COMMENT 'The start date of the schedule',</td>

<td>  start_date date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The start date of the schedule',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The name of the schedule',</td>

<td>  name varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The name of the schedule',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>

<td>  organization_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owning organisation (i.e. publisher)',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'The type of schedule eg Timed Appointments',</td>

<td>  type varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The type of schedule eg Timed Appointments',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Textual description of the location the schedule was held at',</td>

<td>  location varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Textual description of the location the schedule was held at',</td>






<td> COMMENT 'Reference to the practitioner who owns the schedule',</td>

<td>  practitioner_id bigint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reference to the practitioner who owns the schedule',</td>





<td>NOT NULL</td>

<td> COMMENT 'Unique Id of the schedule',</td>

<td>  id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Id of the schedule',</td>

