Community data FHIR mapping

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Field Name Data/Coding Type FHIR Table Field
OrganisationGuid Unique ID Organization::Id* organization id
CDB (Local Identifier) Customer number Organization::Identifier::Value (use=secondary, system=cdb-number)
OrganisationName Name of organisation Organization::name organization Name
ODSCode ODS code Organization::Identifier::Value (use=official, system=ods-organization-code) organization ods_code
ParentOrganisationGuid Links to Organisation - Organisation - OrganisationGuid Organization::PartOf::Reference * organization parent_organization_id
CCGOrganisationGuid Links to Organisation - Organisation - OrganisationGuid Organization::PartOf::Reference *
OrganisationType Type of organisation Organization::Type*** organization type_desc
OpenDate Date organisation opened Organization::primarycare-activeperiod-extension::ValuePeriod::Start
CloseDate Date organisation closed Organization::primarycare-activeperiod-extension::ValuePeriod::End
MainLocationGuid Link to Organisation - Location - LocationGuid Organization::primarycare-mainlocation-extension::ValueReference*


Field Name Data/Coding Type FHIR Table Field
LocationGuid Unique ID Location::Id* location id
LocationName Location name Location::Name location name
LocationTypeDescription Type of location Location::Type::Text location type_desc
ParentLocationGuid Parent location Location::PartOf::Reference * location managing_organization_id
OpenDate Open Date Location::primarycare-activeperiod-extension::ValuePeriod::Start
CloseDate Close Date Location::primarycare-activeperiod-extension::ValuePeriod::End
MainContactName Main contact name Location::primarycare-location-main-contact-extension::String
FaxNumber Fax number Location::contactPoint::fax (use=work, system=fax)
EmailAddress Email adress Location::contactPoint::email (use=work, system=email)
PhoneNumber Phone number Location::contactPoint::phone  (use=work, system=phone)
HouseNameFlatNumber Address name/flat number Location::Address::Line
NumberAndStreet Address street Location::Address::Line
Village Address village Location::Address::Line
Town Address town Location::Address::City
County Address county Location::Address::District
Postcode Postcode Location::Address::PostalCode location Postcode

Organisation Location (used to associate a location with an organisation)

Field Name Data/Coding Type FHIR Table Field
OrganisationGuid Unique ID ManagingOrganization*
LocationGuid Link to Organisation - Location -  LocationGuid <used to match to the corresponding FHIR Location>
IsMainLocation Flag to indicate if this is the main location <used to order the ManagingOrganization references>

Patient Demographics

Field Name Data/Coding Type FHIR Table Field
PatientGuid Unique patient ID Patient::Id* EpisodeOfCare::Id* patient id
OrganisationGuid Links to Organisation - Organisation - OrganisationGuid EpisodeOfCare::ManagingOrganization::Reference * patient organization_id
NhsNumber NHS number Patient::Identifier::Value (use=official, system=nhs-number) patient nhs_number
PatientNumber Patient number Patient::Identifier::Value (use=secondary, system=patient-number) patient person_id
PatientTypeDescription Patient type EpisodeOfCare:: primarycare-patient-registration-type-extension::ValueCodeableConcept*** episode_of_care registration_type_concept_id
DummyType Is a dummy patient Patient::patient-is-test-patient-extension::ValueBoolean (extension is only created if value is true)
Title Title Patient::Name::Prefix (use=official) patient title
GivenName Forename Patient::Name::Given patient first_names
MiddleNames Middle name Patient::Name::Given patient first_names
Surname Surname Patient::Name::Family patient last_name
DateOfBirth Date of birth Patient::BirthDate patient date_of_birth
DateOfDeath Date of death Patient::Deceased patient date_of_death
Sex (Gender) Sex of patient / Patients gender Patient::Gender patient gender_concept_id
HouseNameFlatNumber House name, flat no Patient::Address::Line patient_address address_line_1
NumberAndStreet Number and street Patient::Address::Line patient_address address_line_2
Village Village Patient::Address::Line patient_address address_line_3
Town Town Patient::Address::City patient_address city
County County Patient::Address::District patient_address address_line_4
Postcode Postcode Patient::Address::PostalCode patient_address postcode
AddressType Home, temporary, correspondence only, no fixed abode Patient::Address::Use (temp, home,old) patient_address use_concept_id
DateEvent The date the patient registered at the address Patient::Address::Period.start patient_address Start_date
DateTo The date the patient left the address Patient::Address::Period.end patient_address end_date
EmailAddress Email address Patient::contactPoint::email (use=home, system=email) patient_contact type_concept_id - value
HomePhone Home phone Patient::contactPoint::phone (use=home, system=phone) patient_contact type_concept_id - value
MobilePhone Mobile phone Patient::contactPoint::phone (use=mobile, system=phone) patient_contact type_concept_id - value
ContactType Home, Mobile, Work Patient::Telecom::Value (use=home,mobile, system=phone,email) patient_contact type_concept_id
DateEvent The date the patient registered the contact Patient::Address::Period.start patient_contact Start_date
BirthPlace The location where the patient was born n/a
SpeaksEnglish Defines if the patient speaks English Patient::patient-speaks-english-extension::ValueBoolean (extension is only created if value is true)
Deleted Indicates whether the record has been deleted (True/Fales , 0/1)

Patient Relationship

Field Name Data/Coding Type FHIR Table Field
RelationshipType The relationship type (for example husband or key worker) Patient::contact::codeableConcept::text
DateStarted The date and time that the relationship started Patient::contact::Period.start
DateEnded The date and time that the relationship was ended Patient::contact::Period.end
NextOfKin Defines if this is a next of kin relationship Patient::patient-contact-is-next-of-kin::ValueBoolean (extension is only created if value is true)
CaresForPatient Defines whether the relation cares for the patient Patient::patient-contact-is-carer::ValueBoolean (extension is only created if value is true)
PrincipalCarerForPatient Defines whether the relation is the principal carer for the patient Patient::patient-contact-is-carer::ValueBoolean (extension is only created if value is true)
RelationshipWithName The name of the person the relationship is with Patient::contact::name::text
RelationshipWithDateOfBirth The date of birth of the person the relationship is with n/a
RelationshipWithHouseName The house name part of the address of the person the relationship is with Patient::contact::Address::Line
RelationshipWithHouseNumber The house number part of the address of the person the relationship is with Patient::contact::Address::Line
RelationshipWithRoad The road part of the address of the person the relationship is with Patient::contact::Address::Line
RelationshipWithLocality The locality part of the address of the person the relationship is with Patient::contact::Address::Line
RelationshipWithPostTown The post town part of the address of the person the relationship is with Patient::contact::Address::City
RelationshipWithCounty The county part of the address of the person the relationship is with Patient::contact::Address::District
RelationshipWithPostCode The post code of the person the relationship is with Patient::contact::Address::PostalCode
RelationshipWithTelephone The telephone number of the person the relationship is with Patient::contact::contactPoint::phone (use=home, system=phone)
RelationshipWithWorkTelephone The work telephone number of the person the relationship is with Patient::contact::contactPoint::phone (use=work, system=phone)
RelationshipWithMobileTelephone The mobile telephone number of the person the relationship is with Patient::contact::contactPoint::phone (use=mobile, system=phone)
RelationshipWithFax The fax number of the person the relationship is with Patient::contact::contactPoint::fax (system=fax)
RelationshipWithEmailAddress The email address of the person the relationship is with Patient::contact::contactPoint::email (system=email)
IDPatient Links to Patient_Demographics - PatientGuid Patient::Id*
Deleted Indicates whether the record has been deleted (True/Fales , 0/1)


Field Name Data/Coding Type FHIR Table Field
PatientGuid Unique patient ID Patient::Id*






OrganisationGuid Links to Organisation - Organisation - OrganisationGuid EpisodeOfCare::ManagingOrganization::Reference * episode_of_care




DateOfRegistration Date of registration EpisodeOfCare::Period::Start episode_of_care




DateofDeactivation Date that the patient's registration became inactive EpisodeOfCare::Period::End episode_of_care




RegistrationStatus The patient's registration status. EpisodeOfCare::primarycare-patient-registration-type-extension::ValueCodeableConcept*** episode_of_care registration_type_concept_id
Deleted Indicates whether the record has been deleted (True/Fales , 0/1) <If true, all FHIR resources for this patient are deleted>
ExternalUsualGPGuid Unique ID for External Usual GP Patient::CareProvider::Reference *
ExternalUsualGPOrganisation Link to Organisation - Organisation - OrganisationGuid EpisodeOfCare ::ManagingOrganization::Reference * patient registered_practice_organization_id
SpineMatched Defines if the patients NHS number has been matched on the Spine Patient::primarycare-nhs-number-verification-status-extension::Value (NHS Verification Status)


Field Name Data/Coding Type FHIR Table Field
UserInRoleGuid (IDStaffMember) Unique ID Practitioner::Id* practitioner id
OrganisationGuid Link to Organisation - Organisation - OrganisationGuid Practitioner::Role::ManagingOrganisation::Reference * practitioner organization_id
Title Title Practitioner::Name::Prefix practitioner name
GivenName Forename Practitioner::Name::Given practitioner name
Surname Surname Practitioner::Name::Family practitioner name
JobCategoryCode Job category code Practitioner::Role::Role::Code practitioner role_code
JobCategoryName (StaffRole) Job category name Practitioner::Role::Role::Display practitioner role_desc
ContractStartDate (DateEmploymentStart) Date contract started / The date the staff member started Practitioner::Role::Period::Start
ContractEndDate (DateEmploymentEnd) Date contract ended / The date the staff member was archived Practitioner::Role::Period::End
NationalIdType The national ID type assigned to the staff member (for example, GMC number, NMC number or Pathology ID) Practitioner::Identifier::Value (system=gmc-number)
IDNational The ODS code of the staff member, related to the NationalIDType Practitioner::Identifier::Value (system=gmc-number) practitioner gmc_code
IDSmartCard The smartcard number associated with the staff member Practitioner::Identifier::Value (system=
Obsolete Indicates if the staff member has been obsoleted on the system. n/a
PPAID The PPA ID of the staff member Practitioner::Identifier::Value (system=gmp-ppd-code)
GPLocalCode The GP local code for the HA recorded in GPLocalCodeHA Practitioner::Identifier::Value (system=staff-gp-local-code)
GmpID The GMP ID associated with this staff member profile Practitioner::Identifier::Value (system=gmp-ppd-code)


Appointment Session

Field Name Data/Coding Type FHIR Table Field
AppointmentSessionGuid Unique ID Schedule::Id* schedule id
Description Name of session Schedule::Comment schedule name
LocationGuid Link to Organisation - Location  - LocationGuid Schedule::primarycare-location-extension::ReferenceValue * schedule location
SessionTypeDescription Session type Schedule::Type::Text schedule type
SessionCategoryDisplayName Session category name Schedule::Comment
StartDate Start date Schedule::PlanningHorizon::Start schedule start_date
StartTime Start time Schedule::PlanningHorizon::Start
EndDate End date Schedule::PlanningHorizon::End
EndTime End time Schedule::PlanningHorizon::End
OrganisationGuid Link to Organisation - Organisation - OrganisationGuid Schedule::ManagingOrganization* schedule organization_id
Deleted Indicates whether the record has been deleted (True/Fales , 0/1) If true, FHIR resource is deleted
DateCreation The date and time that the rota was created Schedule::primarycare-recorded-date-extension::DateValue*
IDProfileCreatedBy The unique identifier of the staff profile who created the rota Schedule::primarycare-recorded-by-extension::ReferenceValue*

Appointment Session User

Field Name Data/Coding Type FHIR Table Field
SessionGuid Link to Appointment - Appointment_Session - AppointmentSessionGuid <used to match to the corresponding FHIR Schedule> appointment schedule_id
UserInRoleGuid Link to User - UserInRoleGuid Actor::Reference * appointment practitioner_id
Deleted Indicates whether the record has been deleted (True/Fales , 0/1) <if true, this “actor” is removed from the FHIR Schedule>

Appointment Slot

Care Record

