Community data FHIR mapping

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Field Name Data/Coding Type FHIR Table Field
OrganisationGuid Unique ID Organization::Id* organization id
CDB (Local Identifier) Customer number Organization::Identifier::Value (use=secondary, system=cdb-number)
OrganisationName Name of organisation Organization::name organization Name
ODSCode ODS code Organization::Identifier::Value (use=official, system=ods-organization-code) organization ods_code
ParentOrganisationGuid Links to Organisation - Organisation - OrganisationGuid Organization::PartOf::Reference * organization parent_organization_id
CCGOrganisationGuid Links to Organisation - Organisation - OrganisationGuid Organization::PartOf::Reference *
OrganisationType Type of organisation Organization::Type*** organization type_desc
OpenDate Date organisation opened Organization::primarycare-activeperiod-extension::ValuePeriod::Start
CloseDate Date organisation closed Organization::primarycare-activeperiod-extension::ValuePeriod::End
MainLocationGuid Link to Organisation - Location - LocationGuid Organization::primarycare-mainlocation-extension::ValueReference*


Field Name Data/Coding Type FHIR Table Field
LocationGuid Unique ID Location::Id* location id
LocationName Location name Location::Name location name
LocationTypeDescription Type of location Location::Type::Text location type_desc
ParentLocationGuid Parent location Location::PartOf::Reference * location managing_organization_id
OpenDate Open Date Location::primarycare-activeperiod-extension::ValuePeriod::Start
CloseDate Close Date Location::primarycare-activeperiod-extension::ValuePeriod::End
MainContactName Main contact name Location::primarycare-location-main-contact-extension::String
FaxNumber Fax number Location::contactPoint::fax (use=work, system=fax)
EmailAddress Email adress Location::contactPoint::email (use=work, system=email)
PhoneNumber Phone number Location::contactPoint::phone  (use=work, system=phone)
HouseNameFlatNumber Address name/flat number Location::Address::Line
NumberAndStreet Address street Location::Address::Line
Village Address village Location::Address::Line
Town Address town Location::Address::City
County Address county Location::Address::District
Postcode Postcode Location::Address::PostalCode location Postcode

Organisation Location (used to associate a location with an organisation)

Field Name Data/Coding Type FHIR Table Field
OrganisationGuid Unique ID ManagingOrganization*
LocationGuid Link to Organisation - Location -  LocationGuid <used to match to the corresponding FHIR Location>
IsMainLocation Flag to indicate if this is the main location <used to order the ManagingOrganization references>

CCG (TPP separate this out from the main organisation table)

Field Name Data/Coding Type FHIR Table Field
IDCcg The unique identifier for the CCG the organisation is under Id*
Name The name of the CCG Name
OdsCode The unique identifier for the CCG Identifier::Value (use=official, system=ods-organization-code)
HouseName The house name of the address of the CCG Address::Line
HouseNumber The house number of the address of the CCG Address::Line
NameOfRoad The road name of the address of the CCG Address::Line
NameOfLocality The locality name of the address of the CCG Address::Line
NameOfTown The town name of the address of the CCG Address::City
NameOfCounty The county name of the address of the CCG Address::District
FullPostCode The Post code of the address of the CCG Address::PostalCode
Telephone The main telephone number of the CCG Telecom (use=work, system=phone)
SecondaryTelephone The secondary telephone number of the CCG Telecom (use=work, system=phone)
Fax The fax number of the CCG Telecom (use=work, system=fax)

Trust (TPP separate this out from the main organisation table)

Field Name Data/Coding Type FHIR Table Field
IDTrust The unique identifier for the trust the organisation is under Id*
Name The name of the trust Name
OdsCode National identifier for the trust Identifier::Value (use=official, system=ods-organization-code)
HouseName The house name Address::Line
HouseNumber The number of the house Address::Line
NameOfRoad The name of the road Address::Line
NameOfLocality The name of the locality Address::Line
NameOfTown The name of the town Address::City
NameOfCounty The name of the county Address::District
FullPostCode The Post code for the street Address::PostalCode
Telephone The main telephone number Telecom (use=work, system=phone)
SecondaryTelephone The secondary telephone number Telecom (use=work, system=phone)
Fax The fax number Telecom (use=work, system=fax)

Patient Demographics

Patient Relationship




Care Record

